Task 10 - Evaluation

Planning and Schedule

The planning phase for me didn't go that well because I didn't set enough time to tasks that did consume a lot of time when I was doing them. As a result of this I wasn't able to able to finish this assignment within the dead line given, So I had to get an extension for me to be able to finish everything in time and for the best of my ability. I did not set enough time for the production itself and the rigging part where I ran into some problems. The animation also took some time and I certainly did not leave that much time for it in the plan which affected my time management causing me to waste time on parts of this assignment that did not matter. If I were to plan again for this same assignment I would leave less time for the research tasks and more the actual production.


The research part of this went pretty good, I set my self enough time for this and was able to finish it within the given time frame. The research about Sophie Arp was pretty limited but I was able to put more time into it and find a couple of videos and articles about her and what she did which help me get the research done. I also added some first hand research for the animation and game play research task from the game I recently played, over-watch.

Production and Rigging

I tried to rush the production because of the less time I've given myself as a result of my bad planning. I set a reasonable amount of time but the problems I did not planning on running into set me back. One problem was that I had too many bones while rigging and when I exported the model and bones into layout but layout did not recognized the bones because of the number of them, I fixed it by taking out all the bones and re rigging the object with minimal bones in the model which fixed the problem. The second problem was that the other parts of the model would deform because of the area that the bone affects was too high. To fix this I had to go back to modeller and then add weight maps to the legs which were having this problem. I also had to go back to modeller and add a body controller for it because I couldn't move the model and the bones at the same time which caused alot of problems when I tried. The render time also took a while because I had to render the animation as lots of pictures to make it smoother when uploaded to Adobe Premier. The render time also took longer than expected which didn't help the time I had to finish it but since at this point I've already got the extension it didn't really matter.

Overall I think this assignment went pretty terribly because of the time issue I talked about before. If I were to do this assignment again I would definitely work harder and give myself enough time on necessary areas.